Thursday, September 30, 2010

Following the Rabbi

I was going back through old posts on my blog and found that I never finished recording my notes from RVL's teaching on the Kingdom of Heaven. In fact, I never even came close. So I thought I would go back over those notes to refresh my memory. It all came rushing back and leaves me so blown away by the God that I serve that I felt I should go over them a bit more in depth yet again. So I will attempt to record a few more on here, mostly for my own benefit, but I hope they will speak to you as well. And if I slack off in continuing the notes...nag me. :)

(ps...RVL's site is and I highly recommend it.)

RVL never begins a session without the I always begin reading or recording my notes from them with it as well. It's sad how quickly you get out of the habit. But at any rate, it's always a wonderful way to begin.

Shema Israel, Adonai elohenu- Adonai echad
Ve' ahavata et Adonai eloeikah
b'khol levavkah,
uve'khol naphshekah,
uve'khol m'odekah
ve' ahavata l're'acha comocha. Amen.

One of the sections that really stood out (among many) in the teachings was the Jewish commitment to their faith. They KNEW what they believed. Really knew it. One of the things that we, as a Western, modern society do not understand was the way of a disciple and a Rabbi. We hear those words tossed around in the New Testament frequently, but do not truely grasp their meaning. We take Rabbi to simply be a teacher and disciple to simply be someone who follows them. The word translated "disciple" is Talmidim or Talmid. The Rabbi-Talmidim relationship was a very familiar one to the Jews of Galilee. Jesus used this relationship to bring about his ministry.
In Jewish culture the Rabbis were the authorities on the Jewish teachings. Most of the Rabbis of the time were given authority to teach Torah using already approved interpretations. However, there were a few who were given the authority to actually make their own interpretations and pass judgements. Many times in Scripture it says that the people were amazed by Jesus because he "taught with authority" referring to the authority exercised by only a small group of Rabbis. Many religious teachers questioned his authority. But it was obvious that he was in fact accepted as a Rabbi (having completed the necessary schooling as a Jewish child.)
When Jewish children had finished their early education in Torah, the best of those were able to attend a "secondary school" or Beth Midrash. Here they would continue their religious studies. And the very best (only a few) of those would attempt to gain permission to follow a Rabbi. In following the Rabbi they would eat, breathe, live for the Rabbi's teaching. They watched his every move wanting to imitate him in every way. The ultimate goal was to become exactly like the Rabbi.
This was an intense committment. They were willing to follow the Rabbi no matter where he led, though they often did not know the destiation or what would await them. They trusted that he would lead them to the place where they would be able to best learn from his teaching and become more like him. As is stated on "there is much more to a talmid than what we call a student. A student wants to know what the teacher knows for the grade, to complete the class or the degree or even out of respect for the teacher. A talmid wants to like the teacher, that is to become what the teacher is."
Once the Rabbi felt the Talmid had become like him, he would commission him to make his own disciples who would, in turn, pattern their lives after them. This is what Jesus did as well. It seems odd to us that the disciples would say "do what I do" because we certainly don't have that kind of faith in our own actions or motives. But these men had devoted their lives to striving to become just like Jesus. They had mirrored his every action.
We put so much empahsis on putting our faith IN Jesus, but we forget the importance of having the faith OF Jesus. We fail to pattern our lives after our Rabbi, living and breathing his teaching. If we are truely followers of Christ, true disciples, Jesus will show up in our lives every day. When I consider the amount that I know about the faith OF my Savior, of the teachings and Scriptures that he found to be crucial, I realize that I have thought it enough to claim him without claiming what was important to him. They really cannot be separated.
I really must learn more about who Jesus was when he walked this earth to be able to truely pattern my life after him. Because what he wants for me is to become like him, to follow where he leads, to love like he loves, to give like he gives, to live and breathe follow my Rabbi.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Loving my Blessings...

Yesterday I woke with a horrible toothache. I had broken one of my wisdom teeth and had to go to the dentist. I needed to do it a long time ago, but I find that I have a tendency to succomb to "mommy syndrome" and push myself further and further down the list of important things to take care of. Long story short, I'll be having the tooth removed next Tuesday.
When I went into the dentist office yesterday morning, the assistant asked about my family. I told her I had three children under 3. Her response "Oh my goodness, you're a crazy woman!" When the dentist found out that I had a baby (and was still nursing so I wouldn't be able to take the pain killers post-surgery) he told me that he thought I would probably be alright to take care of my baby after the surgery. When the nurse told him how MANY babies I had, he changed his mind and told me I would probably need help.
I would just like to know when babies became such a burden to our society. I LOVE my babies. I LOVE having three babies. NO, we have not decided that we are "done". Lord willing there will be more babies. All throughout history children were a blessing, a gift, a thing to be desired. Now, in our society we have "better things to do" and babies get in the way of our "goals and accomplishments/careers."
Yes, I suppose by today's standards I'm crazy. I'm totally OK with that. I wouldn't trade my babies and ALL the work that comes with them for anything! I adore them! Our children are God's gift to us and He has entrusted them to our care. This is the greatest of all "occupations" and one that has eternal impact. Yes, as I am reminded every time I leave the house by well-meaning passerby, I have my hands full. I have my heart full, too. I hope that I can show my children that they are NOT a burden to me. They are my most precious gifts. My most valued treasures. And the God who gave them to me loves them enough that He thought them worth dying for. That's my job...and it's the job that I love. I don't have a "life to get on with" when I'm "done" having kids. This IS my life. And I can't think of a better way to spend it.
My beautiful 2 year old, having a tea party with Daddy

My amazing 3 year old

My precious (almost) 6 month old

My couch-full of blessings.

Friday, September 17, 2010

The Beginning of a Beautiful Relationship...

After much comparison, I decided not to purchase the Cricut, but to get the Silhouette SD instead.

My new favorite toy
With the Silhouette you don't have to purchase cartridges, you only purchase the images that you want, usually for .99 a piece. There are also free downloads every week and subscriptions you can get to make it more affordable to purchase your designs. Not only that, but you can make your own designs. I was so fortunate to find a good deal on one on Amazon and use the gift card from my husband's employer and left over gift card from my birthday. So I didn't end up having to pay very much for it, but I may end up spending a fortune on materials. (hehe)

I've been playing with it ever since I got it yesterday and I am in love. I thought I'd share a few things that I've done since getting it yesterday afternoon.

A design in my crafting area

Above Kai's bed...the boy loves trains.
In our dining room
After having such fun with vinyl, I decided to make Kaytie a shirt, so I dug a plain one out of her drawer and went to work. (or play, is probably the more appropriate word.)
Here's the shirt I found...
And here's the shirt when I was done playing
She wanted to put it on immediately. :)
I also made a couple of paper cut-outs and a gift box out of a sheet of scrapbook paper. My biggest problem now will be accomplishing anything else around here. :)

Saturday, September 11, 2010


I've been drooling forever over the Cricut machines. I REAALLLLLY want one. For the record, I don't find things that I want this badly very often. Thankfully, my husband's job gives away gift cards every year for employees and their spouses who complete a health survey. So this year I got mine to Amazon and I am soooo getting a Cricut! Now I just have to decide exactly what I'm getting. Anyone have one? I'd love to hear others' thoughts and experiences before I get mine. Can't wait to get my new toy and start playing!!!

Welcome Autumn!

The temperatures have finally dropped around here. It's been fairly rainy but that's ok as long as it's cooler. We've had a very busy couple of weeks. I decided to tear up most of the house in an attempt to do some serious purging and organizing. I still am not completely finished, but the storage area in the basement is so much better that it makes it all seem worth the effort. The other day I was trying to get out the door and realized I needed something that would have taken me days to find previously, but instead I knew right where it was. Ahhhh.

The kids have been sick with head colds this week. Kaytie and Kaesen seem to have had it the worst, though Kai and I had it as well. We had a few sleepless nights. One night I was up with all three kids multiple times. I think I could probably sleep for a few days straight. Kaesen also had about two days of screaming if I wasn't rocking him or talking to him. This is very strange for him because he's usually a very happy little guy, so he must not have felt very good either.

I can't believe how big they all are getting. Kaesen is five months already. He can sit up on his own and is realizing that he can get to things that he wants. I can't believe it's been nearly a half a year since I had him.

Kaytie's favorite things to do include singing the alphabet song and "skinamarinky dinky dink" (I realize I just totally dated myself for all you who remember "The Elephant Show")  She wants to do whatever Kai is doing. She absolutely adores both of her brothers and her biggest challenge is saying goodbye to Daddy every day when he leaves for work. She's his little princess.

Kai never ceases to amaze me. He spends most of his day playing with his trains (and by playing I mean reviewing the parts of the train, the kinds of trains, etc.) He also studies his sea animal book multiple times a day and quizzes Mommy and Daddy on it. You never know whether you're talking to the "little boy, Kai" (you're generally safe) or the "octopus, Kai" (you'll probably get inked) or the "great white shark, Kai" (who will probably bite you with his many rows of sharp teeth)

We just wrapped up our "weather" segment in science and it's so fun to see his understanding grow in everyday circumstances. For instance, now when he hears the "tormado" sirens, he has to tell you what's happening. He wants to tell you all about the rain and the clouds and the lightening. I can't wait to hear what he has to say about snow...nevermind...I'm not ready for winter yet, I'll wait.

I am so thankful for the opportunity to spend my days teaching my babies and learning a great deal in the process. I think they are far better teachers than I ever could be. I've definately learned more in the last four years of my life than I did in all my years of formal schooling.

So as the school year has gotten underway, I hope to remember that each moment is a teachable moment. That my children learn more by watching what I do than in hearing what I say. And that imparting wisdom to my babies is more important that teaching them the three Rs. Happy Autumn everyone!