Sometimes in life we get a bit discouraged...our self-worth begins to deteriorate and we feel completely overwhelmed and even intimidated by all our obiligations and responsibilities. To us, we just seem inadequate.
But when I find myself in such a mood (not nearly so often anymore) I have learned a valuable lesson that I sit down and remind myself of.
I was chosen. I was chosen to perform the tasks that I am doing...for all my responsibilities...I was chosen. No one else.
Of course my parents did not get to pick me out of a catalog or any such thing...but they chose to have a child. They chose to love and care for that child. They chose to invest so much into my future, paying for me to go to a non-public school in high school and investing a ton of money, time and energy into my college education. They chose to teach me everything I would need to know, so that when the time came that I was chosen for other responsibilities, I would be prepared.
God also chose me in this way. Scriptures says that we do not choose God, He chooses us. In fact, he chose us before the foundation of the world. So one can assume He's had some time to think about it. He has chosen me and given me specific talents, interests and abilities. He has guided every step of my life and every decision I have made and has made me, and continues to make me, into what He desires me to be.
I was chosen to have a developer strength, an almost crippling at times sense of compassion. I was chosen to be opinionated, strong, a communicator. I was chosen notice the needs of others, usually before they can open their mouth to ask for help. I was chosen to have a strong sense of intuition...the kind that wakes you in the middle of the night and drives you to your knees in prayer for someone or somthing. I was chosen to have a thirst for knowledge and the things of God. I was chosen to have a deep love for competition. I was chosen to be born into a family with unbelieveable amounts of loyalty, devotion and love. I did not just "get" these things...I was chosen to receive them for a purpose...because God knew that I would need them all in order to do the work He has for me to accomplish.
I was chosen to receive the education that I did and all the work and responsibilities that came along with it. Not everyone gets into college...especially not traditional school...I was chosen and with that came the realization that I would have four years of hard work to do to complete my degree.
My friends chose me. Now of course I'd love to say I chose them...because then I could brag about what good taste I have. *smile* But in all honesty...they chose me. They have stayed by my side...most of them for YEARS. Many of them since grade school. They are so precious to me and I am so thankful that they have chosen me.
Ward chose me. He patiently waited for me for years. Zach said in his toast at our wedding to look at how Ward gets things. He never just goes out and buys something. He waits around and gets the very best. And that he had done the same thing looking for a wife. Now I'm not saying I'm the very best...and I'm not saying that that's what Zach even meant. But what he did mean, and what is true, is that Ward chose me. He chose to love me when it was hard. He chose to love me when we weren't even together. He chose to love and be faithful to me for years before we were dating. And when faced with a direct decision between myself and another girl...he chose me. He chose me to be his wife. He chose me to be the one he comes home to every night, to be the one he falls asleep with and the one he wakes up to, to make his meals, to be the mother of his children.
Yes, I have a lot of responsibilities, but they are all because I was chosen to do them...someone believed I was the best person for the job. And sometimes all we need is to realize that the responsibilities that we have are a reward for our character, a blessing, and an entrustment. To whom much is given, much is expected.
But when I find myself in such a mood (not nearly so often anymore) I have learned a valuable lesson that I sit down and remind myself of.
I was chosen. I was chosen to perform the tasks that I am doing...for all my responsibilities...I was chosen. No one else.
Of course my parents did not get to pick me out of a catalog or any such thing...but they chose to have a child. They chose to love and care for that child. They chose to invest so much into my future, paying for me to go to a non-public school in high school and investing a ton of money, time and energy into my college education. They chose to teach me everything I would need to know, so that when the time came that I was chosen for other responsibilities, I would be prepared.
God also chose me in this way. Scriptures says that we do not choose God, He chooses us. In fact, he chose us before the foundation of the world. So one can assume He's had some time to think about it. He has chosen me and given me specific talents, interests and abilities. He has guided every step of my life and every decision I have made and has made me, and continues to make me, into what He desires me to be.
I was chosen to have a developer strength, an almost crippling at times sense of compassion. I was chosen to be opinionated, strong, a communicator. I was chosen notice the needs of others, usually before they can open their mouth to ask for help. I was chosen to have a strong sense of intuition...the kind that wakes you in the middle of the night and drives you to your knees in prayer for someone or somthing. I was chosen to have a thirst for knowledge and the things of God. I was chosen to have a deep love for competition. I was chosen to be born into a family with unbelieveable amounts of loyalty, devotion and love. I did not just "get" these things...I was chosen to receive them for a purpose...because God knew that I would need them all in order to do the work He has for me to accomplish.
I was chosen to receive the education that I did and all the work and responsibilities that came along with it. Not everyone gets into college...especially not traditional school...I was chosen and with that came the realization that I would have four years of hard work to do to complete my degree.
My friends chose me. Now of course I'd love to say I chose them...because then I could brag about what good taste I have. *smile* But in all honesty...they chose me. They have stayed by my side...most of them for YEARS. Many of them since grade school. They are so precious to me and I am so thankful that they have chosen me.
Ward chose me. He patiently waited for me for years. Zach said in his toast at our wedding to look at how Ward gets things. He never just goes out and buys something. He waits around and gets the very best. And that he had done the same thing looking for a wife. Now I'm not saying I'm the very best...and I'm not saying that that's what Zach even meant. But what he did mean, and what is true, is that Ward chose me. He chose to love me when it was hard. He chose to love me when we weren't even together. He chose to love and be faithful to me for years before we were dating. And when faced with a direct decision between myself and another girl...he chose me. He chose me to be his wife. He chose me to be the one he comes home to every night, to be the one he falls asleep with and the one he wakes up to, to make his meals, to be the mother of his children.
Yes, I have a lot of responsibilities, but they are all because I was chosen to do them...someone believed I was the best person for the job. And sometimes all we need is to realize that the responsibilities that we have are a reward for our character, a blessing, and an entrustment. To whom much is given, much is expected.
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