Through the years, my walk with the Lord has changed and adapted depending on my circumstances. There have been high times and there have been valleys of course, as in any walk of faith. Some years I had group studies several times a week and Bible courses in school, so I only did personal devotions for a few minutes each morning before school. When my classes got earlier, they switched to before bed. When I was in college I no longer considered my Biblical studies courses to be an essential part of my daily walk, but yet they often complimented the studies I was doing on my own. Now I'm on my own in a way. I no longer have a group study several times a week. I'm not taking any Biblical studies courses (which by the way is quite odd for me since I've been taught scripture in a class setting since I was three years old).
So for now, I've found the best way to keep myself focused and in the Word is to set aside time three times a day. It seems to work best that way for me. I have a quick morning devotion (good for times when I'm not quite functioning yet.) This is just a quick devotional and a verse to focus on through the morning. Then after lunch, when Kai goes down for his nap, I have a slightly more in depth devotion. Usually this is topical and has a thought for the day and several passages of scripture, usually from both the old and new testament. Finally, before bed I have a more in depth study...which I really enjoy. This one is more expository and works its way through the Bible. Being able to keep myself focused and in the Word throughout the day keeps me sure that my mind and heart are in the right place, gives me plenty of opportunity to seek God's face and make sure that I'm doing what He wants me to do, to refresh myself and "refuel" so to myself that extra boost when the day wears on, and finally, it challanges me...which is a big deal right now since I'm no longer in school. I have to be continuing to learn and challange myself or I'd go crazy. The in depth studies help me in this area, as well as conversations with my husband about what we're learning or the little details of scripture, that when read quickly, often get overlooked.
I have three separate books that I use for each time. And it never ceases to amaze me how each one seems to speak to me exactly when I need it. When I've had a rough morning, the afternoon devotion always addresses the issue I'm facing. And I've also noticed that several times, all three books...even though they are all written by different authors and using diffent passages...will focus on the exact same topic and passage at the same time. Never coincidence. So amazing.
I am amazed at the way that the Lord always gives me exactly what I need, exactly when I need it. Every day that I seek him, I find Him more captivating than the day before. People don't give God near the credit that they should. They don't fear him the way they should. I've noticed a lot recently how people love to use God so flipantly. They either joke about Him, and don't take him seriously at all...or they carry him around in this little box to "use in case of emergency". They have no idea the awesome power that they are dealing with. In my evening studies I've been studying the exodus of the Israelites. They loved God when He was giving them something good, when He was forgiving them for their stupidity...but as soon as they were forgiven, as soon as life started being good again, they immediately turned away again. Anyone who has studied the plight of the Israelites knows this was perhaps not the best mentality to have.
God demands that we follow Him, not just when it's easy, and not just when we need Him...all the time. God does not forgive you and bless you to glorify you...He does it to glorify Him. The glorification of God as the main theme of all creation has been the focus of the past few months for me. It's amazing how much your outlook on life changes when you start to see things through the mindset of glorifying God. He truely is magnificent...and worthy of glory.
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