Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Heaven is for Real

I have a confession to make. I absolutely love to read, and I almost never take time to anymore. I've been making an attempt to change that and what better time than the new year to really make the effort. I am going to attempt to hold myself accountable by doing a "Book of the Month" on this blog. I'll read a few books each month and at the beginning of the month I'll recommend my favorite to you.

In fact, I'm adding a new "Book of the Month" category to the blog store. There you'll be able to find the book at Amazon prices (and often a kindle version is available as well). So without further ado, the book of the month for January.

When I was home for Christmas, my mom told me I needed to read this book. I literally read it in just about an hour. (I do tend to read very quickly but the point is, I could NOT put this book down.) I really don't want to ruin this book for anyone, so I'm not going to give much detail. 

In a nutshell, a 3 year old little boy has a VERY near death experience. When he comes out of it, he says he's been to heaven. I can be pretty skeptical about things like that, but then the boy starts giving details. A preschooler giving details that most adults wouldn't know about Scripture, heaven, things that happened that he was never told about, things that no one would ever know if they hadn't had the experience he claimed to have.  As a mother of three little ones under four years old, a Sunday School teacher and someone who has worked with little children for all my teen and adult years, I can say, you can't make this stuff up.

This book will absolutely blow your mind. It's a quick read, only about $6 at Amazon right now (I'm not sure the Kindle price, but it's on there too) and one that you will want to pass on. Happy reading!


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