Here are some examples.
Special Education
New Mommies
Elderly in nursing home
Children with illnesses
Cancer patients
Soliders and their families
Troubled teens
Crisis Pregnancy situations
There are a million different things that could be your passion. And chances are you have more than one. This is not just a discussion question. This is really important to me. Just think for a minute (what comes to mind first is probably your answer). There are no wrong answers here and I'm not looking for a Sunday School answer. I think God has given all of us different passions so that no one gets left out. So it really can be anything. Just post a comment on here or on Facebook and let me know your answer. Thanks guys.
I think being a teacher is my passion. I taught 5th grade and loved helping, teaching and showing kids all the things they can accomplish in the world. I loved getting up every morning and finding out about their night and hearing their stories. Now I am sure I complained about them, the grading and the time planning the lessons but it was all worth it in the end.
I am a stay at home mommy now and love that too and take pride in taking care of our daughter, keeping my house clean, shopping and cooking. I am blessed that we are able for me to stay home with her and have this time too. So I guess I have two passions. :)
I hope this doesn't qualify as a "Sunday school" answer, because it is my heart, but my passion is the gospel! I know what my life was before Christ revealed Himself to me and I know what it is now that He saved me from having to save myself, and I know I've done nothing to deserve it. I genuinely want to be able to tell everyone I come in contact with what Christ has already done for them and what He wants to do in their lives if they'll let Him!
But if you want my number two answer, it would have to be cake. :)
MARRIAGES and FAMILIES... bet you could guess that one from me. :-) Family is the foundation of our society and with so many couples not honoring their committment to their marriage and leaving their spouse because they are not happy, or think their spouse must not be "The One" is so upsetting. When you say "I Do", guess what... you found The One, now you need to focus on being "The One for the The One you married".
I also feel for those trapped in a difficult marriage or trying to break free from a dysfunctional family legacy. I want to shout from a mountain top to all of them, "There is still HOPE! Don't give up! God is in the business of raising dead things to life. Your marriage might seem dead, but as long as you are breathing, there is still hope! Let God work a miracle in your marriage and bring it back to life."
Lindsay, you asked for our soapbox, right? ;-)
Jennifer Walker
Love the answers, guys. Christy, I have more than one, too. Lisa, I love your answer- both of them. ;) Jennifer, yes, that's exactly what I meant!
I would have to say my biggest passion is special education. These kids are often over looked in the education world. They are stereotyped and so many assumptions are made before they are even given a chance to really succeed. I feel I was called by God into this field because I don't look at them as a simple disability code, but a person who wants to feel success as much as you and me. It makes me absolutely sick that so many of these students are aloud to fail before they get the help they need. To me, it is like telling a cancer patient that we know you have cancer, but your cancer needs to reach stage 3 or even 4 before we can give you chemo. By the time my kids get to my room they have built walls up so high that it takes months to begin the real process of learning. I have earned a Masters in Ed in reading because I didn't want my own lack of knowledge to hold them back. Okay, I think I have said enough ;) as you can see, this is my true passion. I appologize for any spellings or typos as I am typing this on my phone. I feel I need to add that after such a rant!
I have several. Taking charge of your health and healthy eating, helping others understand that we weren't designed to be independent and self-sufficient like our society teaches, and seeing America be America again.
I have several. Helping people realize we weren't created to be independent and self-sufficient like our society teaches, God is enough, taking America back to be America, and others. :D
I couldn't narrow it at first, but lumping them together, I think mine is underdogs. Special needs, abused and neglected children, orphans, widows, tragically sick/injured... people who are not suffering because of bad choices they've made, but because that is the hand they've been dealt. I am not made to understand, but I am made to love... and share my hope in the Lord!
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