Knowing this should make it all the easier to give generously to those in need. You never know when it may be you who's left with nothing. Keep the victims of these storms in your prayers, but don't stop there...reach out. If your community has been impacted by these horrific events, do whatever you can to help out in a physical way as well, whether that be by monetary gifts, item donations, volunteering with clean up or giving blood. What a blessing to have the means to minister to those around us!
I have tried to compile different ways and locations where you can donate in each state. I had more trouble with some areas than others, so I'm counting on you locals to help out if you can. If you know of more ways to help, or locations to donate, please let me know and I'll add them to the list.
St. Louis Disaster Relief:
The following items are needed:
Cleaning Supplies
Underwear (both men’s and womens)
Personal Care Items
Where can you take your items???
Maryland Heights Community Center
11911 Dorsett Road
Phone: (314)291-6550
Zion Luthern Church
12075 Dorsett Road
Phone: (314) 739-6121
Schmittel’s Nursery
3406 Creve Couer Mill Road
(314) 469-8900
The Salvation Army is accepting monetary donations through its Web site at: donors may call 1-800-SAL-ARMY or mail donations to: The Salvation Army Midland Division, Storm Relief, PO Box 21787, St. Louis, MO 63109-9913.
To help the storm victims, donate through the United Way's 211 website. You can also call 2-1-1 or (800)427-4626 to make a donation or sign-up to volunteer to help in the future.
Go HERE for a list of St. Louis area blood drives.
Red Cross St. Louis Donations at, call 1-314-516-2800.
If you NEED assisstance in St. Louis:
Ferguson-Florissant Caring Community Event will be from 9am-Noon on Saturday.
St. Louis Metro is providing severe storm relief, too. The agency is giving MetroLink rail and MetroBus access to St. Louis County residents whose vehicles were buried under debris from tornadoes that struck on April 22.
Southern Missouri Flood Relief:
Poplar Bluff Chamber of Commerce President Steve Halter will coordinate donations of non-perishable supplies. Steve Halter can be reached at 785-7761.
Food donations should be taken to the United Gospel Rescue Mission.
Please deliver other donations to the old MAG building in Poplar Bluff;
Hwy 67 South, turn onto Butler County Road (in front of Hart's Catfish).
Drive 300 yards and turn right.
Deliveries/Pickups accepted between 9 a.m.-7 p.m.
Items still needed:
Paper towels
Multi surface cleaner
Toilet Paper
Rubber gloves
Hand sanitizer
Trash Bags
Feminine hygiene products
Children's sippy cups
Box Fans
Mens/Womens/Children's underwear & socks
Aluminum Foil
Face wipes
Fabric softner
Baby bottles
Q tips
Cotton Balls
If you need assistance in Southern Missouri:
Monday May 2, 2011 and Tuesday May 3, 2011
From 10am to 7pm
At First Baptist Church in the Fellowship Hall
M.A.R.C The Multiple Agency Resource Center will be helping flood victims get assistance from multiple agencies.
Red Cross is taking text donations. Just text text “REDCROSS” to 90999 to donate $10.
Give Blood
To learn more about blood donation opportunities, visit orcall 1-800-RED CROSS (1-800-733 2767).
If you're near the Talledega Superspeedway here's a fun way to give back. For a $50 donation to the American Red Cross race fans will be able to drive their personal vehicle around the high-banks of Talladega Superspeedway, May 6 -8.
The Alabama Baptist State Board of Missions is collecting financial donations online at or by check: mail checks payable to State Board of Missions, P.O. Box 11870, Montgomery, AL 36111-0870. Please note "Alabama tornado relief" on the check. Immediate goods that are needed include bottled water; sports drinks; snacks; power bars; blankets; coolers. No clothing can be handled at this time. The following churches have agreed to collect and distribute these items:- Northpark Baptist; 5700 Deerfoot Parkway; Trussville, AL 35173 (205-908-7985)- First Baptist Church, Russellville; 213 N Jackson Ave; Russellville, AL; 35653 (256-332-2065)Please call them before you deliver.More sites are being added, check for more information.
Moody area:
Disaster Relief c/o First Baptist Church of Moody
902 Church Street
Moody, AL 35004
Montgomery area:
Life South is coordinating a blood drive to aid tornado victims. Come out and give the gift of life starting at 8:00 a.m. Friday in the parking lot of Ace Bowling Center in Montgomery.
Brewbaker Chrysler, Dodge, Jeep at 300 Eastern Boulevard in Montgomery will be collecting supplies and non-perishable food items for disaster relief.
Tallassee area:
Ben Atkinson Motors in Tallassee is collecting non-perishable items to help storm victims in Eclectic. There is a van parked at the dealership that is already partially full. The dealership bought diapers and wipes and snacks. Donations will be accepted from 8am-6pm today and Friday and Saturday.
Elmore County:
Millbrook Parks and Recreation is accepting donations (canned food items or cash) for Elmore County Victims from 4:30 p.m. to 9:00 at the Millcreek Sports Complex and the Millbrook Girls Softball Complex.
Elmore County High School will accept donations in the gym and volunteers can report to the cafeteria.
The American Legion Post 133 at 4980 Main Street in Millbrook is collecting nonperishable goods to assist tornado victims. They are working with the city of Millbrook to deliver the items. For more information: Dan Lawless 202-3534
Prattville area:
A&J Rentals in Prattville at 501 E. Main Street is a drop off point for relief material. They are collecting water, diapers, clothes, first aid, even spare lumber.
The UPS Store in Prattville is accepting Red Cross Donations as well as non-perishables. They're located in front of the Home Depot. 334-290-3392
Troy area:
Troy Cityfest set for this weekend, April 30 and May 1 in Downtown Troy on the square will collect non-perishable items for the Red Cross to help Ala. Tornado victims. Collection sites will be set up at the festival – people are asked to bring food, hygiene items, cleaning supplies but please don't bring clothing. Monetary donations will be accepted at the festival HQ in the big tent at the middle of the square.
Andalusia area:
The Piggly Wiggly at 13759 Brooklyn Road in Andalusia will be collecting supplies and non-perishable items.
Greenville area:
The Liberty Fire Department in Greenville will be taking donations in the Butler County Courthouse parking lot on Friday from 8am to 5pm and Saturday starting at 8am.
Coodsada area:
The Coosada Fire Department will set up to take monetary and supply donations at the Wetumpka Airport on Saturday from 9:00 a.m. to noon.
Need assistance in Alabama?
Samaritains purse has locations near Birmingham. "We have deployed two of our Disaster Relief Units, tractor-trailers fully stocked with emergency tools and supplies, to serve as command posts for staff and volunteers in the hardest hit areas. One unit is based at Garywood Assembly of God in Bessemer, about 12 miles southwest of Birmingham, and the other is located at First Baptist Church of Tuscaloosa."
North Carolina:
You can go HERE to make a monetary donation to help victims of this spring's tornadoes in North Carolina.
The Salvation Army Family Store at 205 Tryon Road in Raleigh is accepting furniture and clothing donations.
The Food Bank's website has a list of items needed.
The American Red Cross is in urgent need of volunteers to help after storms hit Northeast Mississippi Wednesday. If any one has the time and ability, they are asked to reach out to your local Red Cross Chapter (Columbus: 662-328-5710; Starkville: 662-323-4621; Tupelo: 662-842-6101).Read more: - How to help tornado victims
Please bring donations of clothing, books, toys, diapers, snacks, or drinks to the Link Centre, 1800 W. Main Street, Tupelo. Read more: - How to help tornado victims
Tupelo City Hall is collecting bottled water and canned goodsRead more: - How to help tornado victims
Fulton City Hall is collecting bottled water.
Mantachie Town Hall is collecting bottled water
Houston Fire Department collecting water donations only.
Booneville Chamber of Commerce is collecting bottled water.
Tremont High School is collecting bottled water and items such as canned goods, personal hygiene items and diapers.
Pontotoc By Faith Baptist Church on Highway 15 is collecting bottled water and canned goods.
Amory - Amory Church of Christ donations of clothing, blankets, canned food, etc.
Nettleton - Nettleton City Hall, Nettleton First Baptist Church, and Crosspointe Fellowship is collecting bottle water, clothing, and other items.
Plantersville - Plantersville Town Hall - water and non-perishable foods.
Arkansas, Texas, Tennessee:
I had a hard time finding locations for donation drop off in these states. If you're in these areas, you can always try the Salvation Army, Red Cross or area Food Bank. If you know of somewhere in the area that is collecting goods, let me know and I'll add it on here.
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