So then we went to Walgreens. I had several things on my list to get and I knew I would need to do at least three transactions. There were a few problems right off the bat. The first of these problems was that my daughter needed a nap...badly. She was in "so help me if you look at me wrong I will make you wish you'd never been born" mode. So just getting her to cooperate at all was a chore. The second problem was the cart did not have a strap. Since we've already established my littlest's fond affection for freedom, I don't think I need to elaborate on this one. Finally, as my cart was starting to get full, Kai looks at me and says he needs to go potty. I told him that we were almost ready to check out and then I would take him. He looked at me with a horrified look and informed me that he couldn't in, it was too late. He was devestated, since he's been potty trained for awhile and hasn't had an accident in public since I can't remember when.
Of course, I couldn't take all three of them to the bathroom because I had a cart full of things I had not yet purchased and I couldn't take Kaesen out or I wouldn't be able to help Kai. Quite the dilemma. Oh, did I mention Kaytie hated the world at this point? So a sweet employee offered to stay with Kaesen and the cart while I took Kai to the potty, as the poor little guy was in tears by now. Kaytie refused to stay with the kind lady, so she got to tag along. Of course someone was in the handicapped stall, so we squeezed all three of us into the itty bitty stall. After getting Kai cleaned up we headed to the check out line. (I decided the rest of my items would just have to wait.) Attempting to keep coupons straight, keep Kaesen in his seat and keep Kaytie from rolling around on the floor like a pig in the mud proved a wee bit difficult. But, I managed to leave the store with my sanity intact. And here are the fruits of my labor.
The total price for these items BEFORE coupons or Register Rewards was $54.03.
I paid $17.86 or about $1.19 per item. That's a savings of $36.17. Not too shabby considering the circumstances.
Of course, after I loaded everyone in the van and got nearly out of town, I remembered that I had forgotten to pick up my prescription while I was at Walgreens. So I had to turn around and go back. And of course it wasn't ready yet. So now my darling husband will have to pick it up on his way home from work. Silly IS, after all, Monday.
1 comment:
I have three words for you: MOM"S MORNING OUT! It is sooo worth sometimes missing a deal to wait for Friday morning! Next time it's a beautiful day, call me and we'll do Purina and a playdate instead!
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