We mommas normally have a lot of discretion on where spending takes place in our families. And many stay at home moms have a hard time feeling like they aren't contributing financially. The way that I've been able to find a way to contribute and spend the money my husband brings home wisely, is by couponing. In case you are not already convinced of the awesomeness of couponing let me just clarify a couple of things here.
By couponing, I do not mean that I clip a coupon for something I'm going to buy and then buy it. Yes, if you only do this, you're probably better off buying generic items than name brand, even with a coupon. The couponing I'm talking about takes some time. It requires a plan, very little brand loyalty, a strategy. You can't just walk into a store and wander aimlessly. You have to know exactly what you're getting- not whatever you have a coupon for.
I won't get into the details of "how" to coupon because this information is readily available from just about anywhere. Two sites I would recommend are http://thekrazycouponlady.com and www.savingmoneyinmissouri.com Both of these sites have sections for beginners that can teach you the ins and outs of coupon shopping.
I feel like couponing is one of the best ways that you can provide for your family in this economy, and here's why. When you need to buy something, there are essentially two ways you can do it. You can buy it when you need it, which leaves you at the mercy of the store's current prices- or you can plan to buy as much as you will need of it for a period of time when it's at rock bottom price and then when you need it, you already have it...meaning you don't EVER have to pay the outrageous full price for the item.
(I will add that you very seldom see coupons for milk, meat, produce, etc. I try to get these things using catalina coupons from other purchases to save even more money.)
Also, by using this stockpiling method, you have the added peace of mind of knowing that if something terrible should happen and you are unable to get somewhere to buy food or supplies, your family is cared for and can live off your stockpile for some time.
Finally, in a down economy it's harder and harder for us to give to those who need it. Especially when it seems EVERYONE needs it right now. By couponing or stockpiling, you can inexpensively (often freely) get items that can be donated immediately or added to your stockpile to be given away when the need arises.
Oh, and did I mention that already having items that you need saves needless trips to the store? (read: gas money)
It's all about planning ahead. The Proverbs 31 woman laughed without fear of the future. She didn't fear the winter. She knew she had done everything she needed to do to provide for her family- AND she reached outstretched arms to the needy. This is one way that we as mommies can follow in those footsteps. So take some time to look around the web this week. You don't have to jump in the couponing pool, just get your toes wet if you like. See if this method might work for you and your family.
And what about all you wise mommas out there who are awesome at thriftiness? What is your favorite way to save money on necessary items?
PS...if anyone has any really great ways to save a bundle on gas (and "stop driving" does not count as a great way), by all means hook a sista up! ;-)
Well, as far as gas goes I save the most by going to missouri (20 cents cheaper than IL), but since you already live in Missouri I would say the next best thing I do is use the Shop N Save coupons. If you spend $50 you get 6 cents off. Its not a lot, but every little bit helps. That's the only thing I know. I do second your point that stockpiling things I KNOW I am going to use has saved me some unnecessary trips to the grocery store (Saving gas money and the $ I would spend on extras I would inevitably pick up!).
I feel your pain over across the river. My mom was just telling me about gas prices over there. Crazy. We don't have a Shop N Save very close...actually though, we don't have anything very close. So I don't know much about the coupon you're talking about. How does it work?
I wish I could save more on gas- but we have a BP credit card that we use to charge all our gas and you get like 6% back, or maybe 3% I don't know... more than others. Anyway- I'm saving all our cash back gas cards to use when we go on vacation. I filled up my diesel excursion for the first time on Sunday- it's a 45 gal tank and cost me $177!!!
Basically if you shop @ shop 'n Save they print a gas coupon that you can use at the Shop 'n Save gas stations (2 of 3 around us have one, but all don't I guess?). Buy $10 save 3 cents/gallon. Buy $50 Save 6 cents/gallon and Buy $100 Save 9 cents/gallon. Its not a lot, but it helps.
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