This weekend, I decided to re-think our current way of storing clothes and I am totally thrilled with the results. I had to create this post and include pictures because my mother said she would never believe it if she didn't see it. ;) haha. Love you, Mom.
In order to explain why I took this approach, you have to know what my struggles were with the current system. In our old system, each child had their clothes in their closet and had their own laundry hamper in their room. This worked out well in theory. Their clothes were easy for them to get to, easy to keep separate, and their laundry didn't get intermingled. I would just go get their hamper, take it downstairs, do the laundry, bring it back up, fold it and put it away. Sounds simple, right? Yes. In theory. But theory and actual life with little ones are often two very different things.
Here were a few of my problems:
I had to dress each child in their own room. Doesn't sound like a big deal, but when you're crunched for time and trying to get everyone ready, it's just far easier to have everyone in one room and get them all ready at once. I'm sure that sounds crazy to those without a bunch of little ones, but those of you who have them know what I mean.
I was having to try to put both boys in one room and the storage space was at a premium. It was virtually impossible to get all of their clothes in their tiny closets along with all of their toys, books, blankets, etc.
My darling daughter had a not-so-darling habit of putting things where they didn't belong. I would find clean clothes taken out of her drawers and put in her trash can, or shoes in the laundry hamper. Trying to find things in her room was a constant challenge.
Because my oldest can dress himself and my daughter can do some of it herself, they often dress whereever I am in case they need help...but that means they also undress whereever I am. Which means their clothes very seldom come off in their rooms near their laundry basket. So they end up getting mixed together anyway. Then, when I have to do laundry and put things away, I would have to try to sort everything out to put in each kid's room. If you have kids that are old enough to reliably do this themselves, I think this might work. But as for me, I would have plenty of "helpers" to take things to the bedrooms, but would then find the clothes in random locations between where I folded them and the bedrooms. Or Kaytie would occassionally take her clean clothes directly to her dirty clothes basket to "put them away."
Which brings me to my other major problem with having everything in their rooms. They sleep in their rooms. And the easiest time for me to fold laundry ( opposed to half a dozen times thanks to my "helpers") and put it away, is often when they're sleeping. But if they were sleeping, I couldn't go in and put it away. So I would have to put it elsewhere and half the time it would never get to their rooms.
This was the same problem with packing for trips. Impossible to do while they're awake. But I needed to be in their rooms to pack. This made packing a pretty difficult task.
Now, I had heard of families with several children having a community closet. I always kind of snickered at the idea. First of all, because I don't see us as having a very large family. We have three (ok, four) children. That's no big deal. I certainly didn't see a need to devote a whole room to our laundry. Secondly, we don't have a room we could logically devote to clothing. The only good sized closet was our walk-in in our master bedroom, and that was packed with just Ward and my things. But finally after attempting to pack for our last trip home, I decided it was time to try something new.
So we moved an old dresser out of our basement into our closet and I bought some drawers and bins for storage. I will state again, for the record, that when I started, our closet was already a disaster. It was packed full and had very little in the way of organization. Now, we have a brand new family closet and I am still in shock.
I am totally blown away, first of all that I could even get all of our clothes in one closet, and even more so that I would have so much extra room. It's amazing what a little organization will do. One problem I had with hanging clothes is that I change sizes so frequently. I literally haven't worn the same size for more than four months since 2005. Seriously. I'm either newly pregnant, fairly pregnant, extremely pregnant, nursing, not pregnant but not quite down to prepregnancy size, and back to half-way decent shape just in time to start the cycle again. So although many items in my closet didn't fit currently, it was just too much trouble to pack them all away in totes that I would have to drag back out within a couple of months. So I got one of those cloth "wardrobes" that zips up and put it downstairs. Now I can easily see and get to all my hanging clothes and grab which ones fit way easier! So I only have things in my closet that actually fit me right now. Amazing.
A few of my favorite things about the new system:
I can fold all our clothes and put them all away without ever leaving my room.
I can easily see what everyone has and what they need without having the dig through their rooms.
I can actually find TWO Kaytie shoes that match at any given time.
When it comes time to pack, I can just throw a suitcase on the bed and grab everything I need right there.
My closet is now a place I don't mind being, and I can find everything in it.
I got extra space for storing things that didn't used to have a home.
I can put the kids' clothes in bins at night and it even if Ward or one of their grandparents, etc. is getting them dressed in the morning, everything they need is right there and they don't have to try to figure out where things are.
The kids have EMPTY dressers and closets which can now be used to house their toys and books and other goodies, which makes their rooms more clean and organized.
The list goes on and on...
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