Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Well...it's September 11th...

This day is very important to me for two reasons, so I thought I'd attempt to write about them both for a bit. First of all, we all remember that horrific day 6 years ago. It was quite possibly the worst day in American history...but I would have to say that in my humble opinion, it was also quite possibly, one of the best days in American history. The loss and devestation that we witnessed was beyond what we ever could have imagined. The heartache and fear and extreme anger that most of us felt will always be a part of who we are. But sadly, what hasn't remained for some of us, was that amazing bonding together of complete strangers. Of people who cried for people they didn't even know. Of people who donated blood, or packed up everything to help with rescue efforts. Or even people gathered to pray, and for once the ACLU didn't dare to object. Our leadership, Republicans and Democrats gathered to sing together "God Bless America", for all the world to see...where any other time there would have been debate over whether God was even allowed to be mentioned on the steps of a government building. And people hugged their children, called their spouses, mended bridges with their estranged loved ones, tending to relationships that were long overdue for healing. Americans did everything we could to tie ourselves together...it was so clear then who the good guys were and who the enemy was. And unfortunately, now it seems to be just distant memory...a blur. People are accusing our military of being the enemy, our president of being in on the plan of 9/11, our leaders gather together to lash out at one another, to fight against God, and to argue with our military leadership, some even going so far as to compare our military to Nazis. Madness. Sheer madness. And so I hope that just for a moment, you will remember how you felt that day. You will remember the glorious beauty of a country bonded together through suffering and sadness...and perhaps most importantly, you'll see the proof that trials, severe as they may be, often cause the greatest beauty to rise to the surface.

On to a bit lighter note now...September 11th also happens to be my daddy's birthday. It's been a good year, and a tough year at the same time. My mom is my best friend, but it's no secret to anyone that I've always been daddy's little girl. When I was in the hospital with the preterm labor, and became delerious from the medication, I got scared and all I wanted, all I kept asking for was my daddy. And he called me, then he drove down and brought me a beautiful rose and kept me company.

He was so excited when Kai was born in December. With the exception of my husband and my mom, he was the first to hold him. He's definately Papa's boy. Kai will always crawl over to a picture of him in his nursery and point to him. It's so cute. He already has an adorable little log cabin playhouse and handmade swing for him at Papa and Mamaw's house. And Dad can hardly wait until he's old enough to go fishing.

We had a rough time last month when he was in the hospital, but now he's back home and onry as ever. I don't know what I'd do if I didn't have him to call to talk about whatever sporting event is on TV and debate over what the next play will be. I don't know what I would have done without our "dates" when I was growing up, or baking cookies and doughnuts, or stories about Tower Hill that would make you laugh til your drink came out your nose.

I am so blessed to have such an amazing man of God as a father. Yes, he always made us go to church, and he had a lot of rules...but, although I never thought I'd say this, I couldn't be more thankful for them. He kept me safe and on the straight and narrow as best he could. He gave us an excellent example, serving in just about every area in church, teaching high school sunday school, and making family is upmost priority. He never missed a game...or an event...even ones as painful as band or choir. I loves us kids unconditionally and never missed out on an opportunity to show us. But perhaps most importantly, he modeled what a good marriage should be like. He and my mom are quite possibly the most perfect couple on earth. High school sweethearts who were crazy in love with each other...emphasis on the crazy sometimes. =)

I'm so thankful for another year with him. I'm so thankful that he's been such a wonderful husband to my mom, father to me and Jake, father-in-law to Ward, and grandpa to Kai. I can't wait to see you at the football game this weekend daddy! I love you!

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