Ok, so I wasn't sure how to get this word out, so I thought this would be best. As most of you probably know, I've been homeschooling Kai in kindergarten this year. We use Sonlight curriculum, which has been absolutely wonderful. As I was looking through the curriculum book list, I realized that many of them were Usborne books. We love Usborne books (in fact, my kids regularly fall asleep with them.) A couple of ladies in our church who are homeschooling (or planning to homeschool) sell these books. Since we already are purchasing these books and absolutely love them, I thought I'd sign up to sell them too. The only reason I'm willing to do this is because there are no quotas, no required amounts to sell, you get the start up kit and you're in for life. The books are reasonably priced, educational and I can use my own books as display. Super easy and extremely low commitment. I have three kids under four, one on the way, homeschool and run a non-profit. I don't have time to be trying to sell stuff. But if I can get the books cheap/free, make a little extra money and make a product we already love available to the people we love, sign me up! :)
So the reason for this post is NOT to get you to go buy Usborne books from me. In fact it's just an offer. The January deal for signing up was buy one kit get one free. Obviously I have no need for two kits. So I have a free one to give away. If any of you, (perhaps you stay at home moms), would like to look into this opportunity, feel free to check out www.Usborne.com and have a look around. If it seems like something that might interest you (who doesn't love free books???), let me know and I'll get you the link for the free kit. (the kit alone includes 8 books, so there's 8 free books right off the bat) There is no more required cost after this kit, so if the kit is free...well...you can do the math. :)
Just wanted to give this away in case someone else was interested.
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