No, but really, I have started wonder if there's something really wrong with me I'm so tired. I know I'm pregnant. I know I have three kids under four. But really, I'm not the only woman to ever do this. Surely not everyone feels this way. I mean I can't seem to get anything done. And when I do manage to force myself to do something, I just want to collapse in a little heap whereever I might fall and cry myself to sleep. Not typical for me- at all. Very weird.
I am supposed to have an ultrasound tomorrow afternoon. From the looks of things, I won't be going anywhere. I guess if we have a heat wave of about 80 degrees starting about 6 am tomorrow morning all this sleet and snow might melt enough for me to make it. I'm not counting on it though.
Today was super-fun. Ward is in Kansas. Yesterday we got ice. We got a good little bit of ice. Then this morning came the sleet. Oh buddy, did it sleet. We're usually very sheltered from the wind where our house is, but it was sure howling today. Anyone who's been snowed in with three little kids (did I mention I'm already exhausted) knows that your patience can wear real thin after a day or two. (or an hour or two)
So then we lost power. Oh fun. So I started a fire in the woodstove. This is wonderful, but that means we all have to stay in the great room where it's warm. Our house is too big to heat all of it with the woodstove. So now we're not just enjoying the togetherness in our house, but in just one room. There is no escape.
So I decided our cat (who is a mostly outdoor cat now and has been sleeping on the porch in his nice warm bed inside a kennel and wants nothing to do with coming in...perhaps the children have something to do with this) needed to come inside because it was just too cold and the wind was blowing so I was afraid even the walls of his crate and snuggly bed wouldn't keep him warm. So I went downstairs to get a litter box ready so I could bring him inside. That's when I realized there was water running in the basement. After some investigative work I found that it was the water softener- the container that the salt goes in. So I frantically called Ward. (Obviously a flooded basement was the last thing I needed.) He told me that since he wasn't home to fix it and didn't know what was wrong I needed to just shut off the water.
So now I was supposed to sit in one room with three children under four (again...exhausted) with no power and no water. I shut off the water and the leaking stopped. After all the water had stopped flowing, I looked a little closer at the leak. Please note that I am completely unfamiliar with the water softener at all. I'm a total and complete "dumb cluck" when it comes to that sort of thing. We never had one when I was growing up and I've always just let Ward deal with it since we moved here.
It looked like the valve that was leaking was to keep the bin from overflowing. (Which seems pretty pointless if it's going to overflow all over the floor anyway. Who cares whether it comes out the side or the top?) So my solution was just to scoop out a couple of buckets of the water and dump it down the utility sink. Don't know if that's what I should have done or not, but alas, it stopped the leak and I was able to turn the water back on. And to make things even better, the power came back on too.
So, aside from being a bit more exciting than I would have liked, the day didn't turn out nearly as bad as it could have. However, I am still exhausted and still stuck in this house with three crazy little ones. So I'm sure the rest of the week will be interesting.
I guess I shouldn't be surprised that the week wouldn't be so stellar when the very first thing I did to start it off was to roll out of bed and step in dog poop. But that's another story altogether.
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