Thursday, December 1, 2011

All I Want For Christmas Is Mason Jars

I have a problem. I'm totally addicted to mason jars. No really. I'd be totally thrilled if everyone got me mason jars for Christmas. I use those suckers for EVERYTHING. I'll bet you had no idea just how versatile mason jars are. So in honor of my favorite dish/organizing tool/candle/craft supply/etc I will do several posts on how I use mason jars...yeah...go to the store and get some. Trust me. You'll want to. If you can find any that I haven't bought already. Um...yeah.

If you're looking for even more ideas than I give, just Google "mason jars" or look them up on Pinterest (another of my addictions...maybe I have an addictive personality...hmmm) The possibilities are absolutely endless.

First up...the glitter jar. Shake the jar then watch the glitter settle. This was originally recommended to give to children when they are getting wild and out of control. (Which of course would NEVER apply to my little angels. haha) Sit them down and let them shake the jar. When all the glitter has settled, they can get up and are usually much more calm and ready to go. I think this would work for one...or maybe two of my kiddos. The third...forget it. He'd be trying to figure out how to drink the glitter.  To see how to make these jars go HERE

Another neat kid idea is a star jar...

There are tons of ways to do this, but this one is my favorite. Just get some glow in the dark paint and splatter it around inside the jar. Seriously. How simple is that? And how fun for sleepovers, campouts and playing in homemade forts!

See...two simple unconventional ways to use mason jars. There are millions I think. I'll give you another one later. ;-) Check back.

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