Sunday, August 15, 2010

You're never too old to learn...

You'd think after nearly two decades of formal schooling you would have a pretty vast array of knowledge. And I suppose that I did in a lot of areas. But the past few months have been the most incredible, challenging and educational of my life thus far. I think it's safe to say that I see myself, my children, my husband, nearly everyone in my life, my calling, and my God in a totally different light. It would take me forever to put into words the things that have been challenging me of late.

It's amazing how far we, even as believers, fall into the traps of cultural norms. I have seen the way that society has entrenched itself in my mind and have been painstakingly attempting to extract those pieces and replace them with what I now know to be true.

If I were to flipantly address many of the issues that I have wrestled with and the conclusions that I have come to, I would probably be dragged out and burned at the stake. I have learned that following my Savior is to go completely against nearly everything that our culture teaches, even the seemingly harmless, widely accepted parts.

But as painful as the transformation of ideas would seem to be, I can honestly say that I have found a peace such as I have never before known. I have fallen in love with life. Just a different kind of life, found hidden away in my Lord. My husband, my children, my home are pure joy to me. I have found a gratitude, contentment, and happiness that most would assume to be purely fiction. I am so thankful for this continuing journey and hope that others will see the beauty of turning from the comfortable to follow the unchanging truth.

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