Saturday, September 11, 2010

Welcome Autumn!

The temperatures have finally dropped around here. It's been fairly rainy but that's ok as long as it's cooler. We've had a very busy couple of weeks. I decided to tear up most of the house in an attempt to do some serious purging and organizing. I still am not completely finished, but the storage area in the basement is so much better that it makes it all seem worth the effort. The other day I was trying to get out the door and realized I needed something that would have taken me days to find previously, but instead I knew right where it was. Ahhhh.

The kids have been sick with head colds this week. Kaytie and Kaesen seem to have had it the worst, though Kai and I had it as well. We had a few sleepless nights. One night I was up with all three kids multiple times. I think I could probably sleep for a few days straight. Kaesen also had about two days of screaming if I wasn't rocking him or talking to him. This is very strange for him because he's usually a very happy little guy, so he must not have felt very good either.

I can't believe how big they all are getting. Kaesen is five months already. He can sit up on his own and is realizing that he can get to things that he wants. I can't believe it's been nearly a half a year since I had him.

Kaytie's favorite things to do include singing the alphabet song and "skinamarinky dinky dink" (I realize I just totally dated myself for all you who remember "The Elephant Show")  She wants to do whatever Kai is doing. She absolutely adores both of her brothers and her biggest challenge is saying goodbye to Daddy every day when he leaves for work. She's his little princess.

Kai never ceases to amaze me. He spends most of his day playing with his trains (and by playing I mean reviewing the parts of the train, the kinds of trains, etc.) He also studies his sea animal book multiple times a day and quizzes Mommy and Daddy on it. You never know whether you're talking to the "little boy, Kai" (you're generally safe) or the "octopus, Kai" (you'll probably get inked) or the "great white shark, Kai" (who will probably bite you with his many rows of sharp teeth)

We just wrapped up our "weather" segment in science and it's so fun to see his understanding grow in everyday circumstances. For instance, now when he hears the "tormado" sirens, he has to tell you what's happening. He wants to tell you all about the rain and the clouds and the lightening. I can't wait to hear what he has to say about snow...nevermind...I'm not ready for winter yet, I'll wait.

I am so thankful for the opportunity to spend my days teaching my babies and learning a great deal in the process. I think they are far better teachers than I ever could be. I've definately learned more in the last four years of my life than I did in all my years of formal schooling.

So as the school year has gotten underway, I hope to remember that each moment is a teachable moment. That my children learn more by watching what I do than in hearing what I say. And that imparting wisdom to my babies is more important that teaching them the three Rs. Happy Autumn everyone!

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