Wednesday, January 19, 2011

New Baby Schweitzer

This morning we had our first ultrasound of the new baby. It was quite a roller coaster of an experience. When the tech first began she said, "well, there's a gestational sac, but I don't see a baby." My stomach dropped. We'd been through this before.

Then she moved it a bit more and low and behold the tiny little baby was nestled away, almost out of sight. I was measuring just a slight bit smaller than expected, but the sweet little sugar had a perfect little heartbeat that was music to Mommy and Daddy's ears.

We go back in two weeks for another scan since the baby seemed to be hiding and they couldn't get very good measurements. But without further ado, I give you the newest member of our family...

I know it doesn't look like much, but it was the most beautiful thing I'd ever seen this morning. :) Hopefully baby will grow like crazy in the next two weeks.


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