Wednesday, December 14, 2011

The Gift of my Grandpa

Seven years ago, my Papa passed away. Usually I spend this day thinking about what life would be like if he were still here, how much of my life he has missed and how much I wish I could talk to him and see him. But today, after the year I've had, I decided that I was going to approach this day differently this year.

For the first time since I lost him, I decided that instead of being sad for the part of my life he has missed, I will be thankful for the part of my life he was here for. Not many people know their grandparents the way that I do. I am blessed to have known all four of my grandparents and not only to have known them, but to be very close to them. I even knew most of my great-grandparents. That's a really rare thing these days.

For those of you who have not been to my house, in our older sons' room are pictures of each of their great-grandpas- Arnold, Allin, Donald, Jerry and Mervyn. I am so grateful that as they grow up I can point them to the men on their wall and encourage them to walk in their footsteps. Those men are examples of the kind of men I want my sons to grow up to be- smart, kind, loyal, dedicated, patriotic, compassionate, frugal, humble, encouraging, loving, honest, hard working, determined, family oriented, men of God.

My grandpa was a huge part of my life. He was my hero and showed me by example how to walk through hard times and keep them in perspective. He was unshakeable. There was no circumstance, no pain that could break him. He knew where his hope was and he had unwavering focus. He was always able to think of others before himself. He lived for his family and he honored his Lord. 

I miss him terribly. I do wish that I could sit and talk to him for hours like I used to. I'd love to play another game of chess, or curl up with popcorn and a movie. I'd love to go to "Germany" again with him. But the thing I need to remember is that I had those times. I had dozens of chess games, countless movies and bowls of popcorn and I have wonderful memories of "Germany" as well as Florida, the Christmas lights in the wealthy neighborhoods, the balloon festivals, the beach, the list goes on and on.

So no matter how much I miss him, I am thankful. I am thankful for his life. I am thankful for the example that he left for my sons. I am thankful that I know that he ran his race, he finished strong and he's cheering me on as I try desperately to do the same.

Thank you, God for my grandparents...for the loving family they made. Thank you for all the ways they've been there for me through the years and for the awesome legacy they have established. Thank you most of all for their faithfulness in leaving a godly heritage for their families.

I miss you, Papa. Thank you for the memories we made. I can't wait to see you again. I hope I make you proud. I love you.

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